We are a community of Jewish Summer camps that challenges and nurtures fun, growth, and individual and community-based summer experiences.

Shwayder Camp

Come home to Camp Tel Noar, a Cohen Camp: a special place that brings out the best in everyone. Our warm, close-knit community is the heart of the Camp Tel Noar experience. You’ll smile from morning until night, busy with waterskiing, swimming, photography, basketball, visual and performing arts, Israeli dance, tennis, and more. You’ll live the Jewish values that infuse our community, especially on Shabbat, bringing us closer together. You’ll take in the songs, enthusiasm and camp traditions. And, most of all, you’ll grow close with friends and counselors who become our summer family. Camp Tel Noar is located just one hour’s drive from Boston and four from NYC.

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Shwayder Camp

At 10,200 ft. on the slopes of Mt. Evans, Shwayder Camp is to provides an environment that enables members of the camp community to create for themselves a meaningful Jewish life. By exemplifying Jewish values and traditions, we endeavor to build relationships, cultivate self-esteem, develop Jewish identity, inspire an appreciation for the wonder and beauty of the natural environment, and promote the unique capabilities of each individual. In a small, close-knit, Jewish community surrounded by the beauty and peace of majestic mountains and towering pine trees, we offer common ground in a safe environment to learn about Judaism and how it can enrich our lives.